1. Discard the remaining water in the Berkey. Remove the original faucet –
follow the instructions on the Berkey manual.
2. Remove the hex nut on the body of the faucet. Insert the screw end of
the faucet body into the hole on the Berkey. Screw the hex nut on the Berkey’s inside manually so that
it connects to the faucet’s body. Finally, tighten it with a wrench and keep the body of the faucet
3. Insert the screw end of the water level sight spigot into the hole on
the faucet body. Tighten it manually and keep it upright.
4. Fill the Berkey with the right amount of water to check for possible
water leakage. If there is, please tighten the hex nut once again. If not, please discard water in the