Do I need to remove the filter prior to descaling equipment?
Yes, remove the filter prior to descaling and inspect for integrity if needed replace with a new filter.
Why are there black specks in the water or why does my water taste funny?
Water filters are made from the purest carbon blocks. When the filter ships it bounces around and knocks carbon granules loose from the block. These little carbon granules are called fines. All of the quality filters in the market place require a preliminary flushing to remove the carbon fines Some systems may need to be flushed more than once. This is especially true if you have scale or lime water. If you go on vacation and do not use your filtered water for several days, flush the systems again to remove any stagnant water.
If I do not change my filter every 2 months, can this damage the system?
Yes, you must replace the filter every 2 months or sooner if water flow is reduced or if there is heavy sediment/rust present Filters left in longer will fatigue, degrading filter performance.