Water is the main chemical component of the human body, accounting for about
45% to 75% of body weight.
Every cell, tissue and organ depends on water to function properly. Water plays an important role in maintaining health.
This article provides detailed information on the nutritional value of water, daily water intake recommendations, tips for drinking more water, and the
healthiest water to drink.
What Is the Nutritional Value of Water?
Water is a vital nutrient for the
human body. It is the building block for all the liquids in our body, including our sweat, urine, blood, and digestive juices. There is even water content
in bones, lean muscle, and fat, too.
Mineral Content in Water
Life cannot exist without water. All bodily functions depend on water to remain stable and healthy. Water can
provide trace elements , such as
calcium, magnesium and chloride.
The human body needs calcium to sustain many of its physiological functions.
According to Nutrition Source , the body stores 99% of its
calcium in teeth and bones, providing support to the structural body. The other 1% of the body’s calcium is in our muscle, blood, and other bodily tissues.
Calcium is essential for muscle contraction and nerve transmission.
Magnesium is another critical mineral that the body needs to stimulate its nerve and muscle functions.
According to the National Institutes of Health ,
magnesium is important for muscle contraction and relaxation. It can also help transmit nerve impulses.
Chloride is described as both an electrolyte and an essential mineral. The body needs chloride for its cellular function, fluid management, and acid-base
According to The Nutrition Source , it can help to regulate the
amount of fluid and types of nutrients going in and out of the cells.
The Benefits of Drinking Water
Water sustains life and the bodily functions of people. So drinking enough water every day is important. Once you do, your body will start going through
some positive changes that will improve your overall health. Here are some benefits.
Physical Benefits
Improved strength and endurance. Drinking plenty of water can make you a stronger person with more endurance and less fatigue. Because water
consumption helps stimulate blood circulation and oxygen delivery in the body.
Healthier skin. Staying hydrated helps improve the health of your skin by reducing dryness.
Better digestion. Good digestive health depends on drinking enough water to stay hydrated. Not only will it help your body absorb nutrients
better, but it can help reduce the risk of constipation.
Weight loss. Drinking water before meals can promote a feeling of fullness, potentially reducing calorie intake.
Better kidney function. Regularly consuming water and staying hydrated will improve the health and function of your kidneys. Healthy kidneys are
more efficient at filtering waste. There is also less chance of developing kidney stones as well.
Mental Benefits
Easier to concentrate and focus. Hydration helps stimulate brain function, including focus, shortterm memory, and alertness. Without adequate
hydration, youll likely experience a lack of focus.
Better mood. Regular water consumption can improve your overall mood and make you feel less anxiety and irritation.
Sleep improvement. Proper hydration supports bodily functions, leading to better sleep quality.
How Much Water Should You Drink a Day?
If you drink enough water every day, you will become healthier, look better, and develop more energy.
Harvard Health Publishing released a
report stating that the amount of water you’re supposed to drink each day depends on various factors, such as your daily activity level, age, and gender.
General guidelines suggest the following:
- Men: About . liters about cups of total water daily.
- Women: About . liters about cups of total water daily.
Signs You're Drinking Enough
You’ll know if you’re not drinking enough water because you will see one or more of the following signs of dehydration.
Urine Color and Frequency
- Darker urine indicates dehydration, whereas lighter urine indicates good hydration.
- A wellhydrated person usually needs to urinate every to hours.
Feeling Thirsty
If you feel thirsty, it is your body’s way of telling you that you need to consume more fluids, such as water. However, don’t wait until you feel thirsty to
drink water because you might already be dehydrated by that point.
Physical Symptoms
Physical symptoms, such as headache, tiredness, or dizziness, are common feelings that develop when your body is dehydrated and needs water.
How to Drink More Water?
Increasing your daily water intake is essential for optimal health. Here are some simple tips on how you can drink more water each day.
Make a Goal for Yourself
Create a goal of how much water you will drink each day, and then stick to it.
Carry a Water Bottle
Equip yourself with a high-quality reusable water bottle wherever you go. It will serve as a constant reminder that you need to drink more water.
Improve the Flavor
Some people don’t like the taste of ordinary water. If you prefer drinking better-tasting water, consider improving the flavor by adding some naturally
tasty ingredients to it, such as cucumber juices, lemon juice, or lime juice.
What Other Ways Can the Human Body Replenish Water?
There are other ways to replenish your body with water besides drinking liquid water directly. For instance, you can eat foods rich in water, such as
natural fruits and vegetables.
Another way to consume water is to choose other beverages with high water content, such as fruit juices, herbal teas, milk, and herbal teas. However, it's
important to be mindful of their sugar and caffeine content, as these can affect hydration levels.
What Is the Healthiest Water to Drink?
Choosing the healthiest water to drink depends on factors such as safety, taste, mineral content, and environmental impact. Here is an overview of common
different types of water.
Mineral Water
Natural springs are the main source of mineral water. It contains essential minerals that the body needs to stay healthy and functional. Here are the
benefits of mineral water.
Provides Essential Minerals. Mineral water comes loaded with electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, and calcium to sustain healthy bodily
Supports Digestive Health. The sulfates in mineral water help improve digestive health by moving water into the intestines to reduce
according to the Better Health ,
commercially bottled mineral water contains salt, which can lead to fluid retention and swelling, and even increased blood pressure in susceptible people.
If you want to drink mineral-rich, safe and pure water, try this water purifier below. This undersink reverse osmosis system uses innovative healthy
boost-tech to infuse alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium.
Incorporating this remineralization function, the Waterdrop X12 not only removes contaminants but also ensures that the water retains essential minerals,
providing a balanced and healthier drinking experience.
Tap Water
Tap water is widely available and affordable. Most people in the world have access to tap water. Unfortunately, the quality of the tap water depends on
where you live and what kind of public safety standards are in place.
In most cases, tap water will still have some level of impurities left in it after the local water utility company treats it. Some common contaminants in
tap water include heavy metals, chlorine, and lead.
Purified Water
Purifying your water will take away your dependency on plastic water bottles, which means you won’t be hurting the environment by throwing away plastic
bottles all the time.
Besides, obtaining purified water from a home-based water filtration system is more convenient. It will always give you access to clean water for drinking
and cooking. Just use the best reverse osmosis system you can find to produce purified water in your home.
When choosing a filter, be sure to select a certified filter. The Waterdrop X16 Reverse Osmosis Water Filter is a powerful NSF 58 & 372 standard certified
water purification system that is
packed with great features for your family to enjoy.
Final Thoughts
Ensuring adequate daily water intake is crucial for overall health and well-being. Purified water is the best water to drink for health without the worry of
Waterdrop is dedicated to enhancing your daily hydration experience by offering
innovative solutions that make drinking water more enjoyable and accessible for every family.