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The Water Crisis Remains Critical
In Sub-Saharan Africa, millions of residents still suffer from survival crises caused by unclean water and inadequate water projects. Meanwhile, according to recent UN News, 4 out of 5 people lack access to basic water and sanitation, with primary school students being particularly affected. To make a meaningful impact on the water crisis, we sponsor a responsible charity, the Water Project, continuously providing funding and closely monitoring local conditions.
Waterdrop: Uniting for Change
Meet Gideon and Anisa

“The Water Project helps us as a school, and it's a stepping stone for our academic endeavors, because I can get more time to leran and play with my friends."

"Thank you Waderdrop for clean water!"

Waterdrop's Efforts
People Today
Currently Monitoring
Water Points
Water Flowing
Help Now
Every water purification unit sold provides a day of clean water for African students.

Support African Children