What is TDS in water?
TDS means Total Dissolved Solids in water - an estimation of the total
concentration of dissolved substances present in water at any point. These substances include both
organic matter (in small amounts) and inorganic salts. Inorganic salts in water include cations
(positively charged ions) like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium and anions (negatively charged
ions) like sulfates, chlorides, bicarbonates, nitrates, and carbonates.
What is a Waterdrop TDS meter used for?
The Waterdrop TDS water meter helps to identify the Total Dissolved Solids
in a solution like water. It does this by measuring the solution's conductivity, considering that
ionized minerals, salts, and solids contribute to increased conductivity.
What happens if we drink high TDS water?
When the TDS count of water is high, it affects the water's aesthetics,
including the taste profile, scent, and even color. Asides from that, high TDS levels in water leave
lasting cosmetic effects on human health. They may signify the presence of sediment-heavy or corrosive
water that degrades home's technical components.
What does the Waterdrop TDS water tester test?
The Waterdrop water quality tester's measuring range is 0-9999 PPM, making
it the ideal tool to test the TDS value of water. From tap water to spa, pool, or aquarium water, this
water tester will tell you the TDS value of any water source. You can also use it to test filtered water
from RO systems or other purifiers to estimate filtration levels.
Which TDS is best for drinking water?
According to the rating of the palatability of drinking water by a team of
panels, a 300 mg/liter TDS indicates excellent drinking water, 300-600 mg/liter indicates good drinking
water, while 600-900 indicates fair drinking water. TDS value of 900-1200 mg/liter indicates poor water,
and anything higher than 1200 mg/liter means the water is unacceptable for drinking.
What does TDS not measure?
A TDS meter does not measure contaminants or the purity levels of your
water. The TDS water tester may sometimes spike due to calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other healthy
minerals in the water. So, if you have a water filter with a remineralizer, you will have a converse
result from your TDS meter. TDS contaminants also do not measure or detect heavy metals like lead and
other contaminants like hexavalent chromium, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides.
Why should you measure total dissolved solids?
TDS, among other things, affects the quality of water, and by extension,
your health and home plumbing system. It also affects other household tasks like cleaning and cooking.
Knowing the TDS level of your water helps determine its quality and its impacts on your daily life. You
quickly know if you have a water quality issue and look for the best way to solve them if present.
Is low TDS water harmful?
No, it is not harmful. In reality, water with a low TDS value indicates
high-quality, although with a possible flat taste due to the absence of minerals.
How can I measure my water TDS at home?
You can measure your household water TDS using three methods – electronic
water meter, filter paper and water quality test kit. The digital water tester is the easiest option –
it requires no technical knowledge to get your water's TDS value. The Waterdrop digital TDS meter can be
used by inserting it into the water at a 45-degree angle, with the screen displaying the TDS value of
the water in question.